Ministry & Service
Altar Guild
Caretaking of the Holy things of God, such as those items set aside for use in God’s sanctuary. Particularly, preparing and maintaining the items for Holy Communion.
Men’s Group
Make purposeful the vocation of God’s male children of all ages to help them grow in their roles as husbands, fathers, and pillars of the church.
Women’s Group
Provide fellowship and activities which help God’s female children (of all ages) understand their purposeful vocation for God.
Generation Plus
Provide fellowship for the 50+ members and friends in the Church.
Social Ministry
An extension of the public ministry of Christ by providing care for the congregation and community and planning social activities. This is done thru caring for those within our church but also within the community.
Make purposeful the use of members’ talents, resources and time for the good of God’s kingdom.
Christian Education
Guide all members of the congregation so that they are nurtured in faith, grow in knowledge and experience and be inspired and empowered to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Caretaking of the congregation’s campus and trust.
Congregational Finance
??? (Treasurer) ??? (Financial Secretary)- Caretaking of the financial responsibilities of the congregation and financial gifts to the church.